As a licensed reseller of the American Dental Association list, we’ve worked with hundreds of clients who target dentists as new customers.

In some cases, the marketer only needs to select a list by specialty or geographic area –– such as Pediatric Dentists and Orthodontists in Texas. However, most clients benefit from more detailed targeting options which combine several characteristics of their desired new customers.

Recent examples of successful custom profiles we created for clients include:
* New Dentists –– to build lifetime relationships early in a dentist’s career
* Dentists in Group Practices –– to reach the big spenders
* Dentists who work for a Dental Support Organization (DSO) –– also ideal for using as a suppression file, to exclude these “corporate dentists” from prospect mailings
* Combinations of Age, Gender and Ethnicity –– such as 25-35 year old female Asian dentists, one of the fastest growing customer profiles

Very important: when targeting very specific groups of potential customers, make sure the images in all of your marketing communications reflect the profile of the targeted group.

The Future of Advanced Target Marketing

To learn about advanced audience targeting strategies, check out Facebook’s tools for targeting ads to consumers. You’ll see links to Facebook Ads Manager, where you can identify and market to those with your desired demographic characteristics, interests, your existing customers, and/or those most similar to your customers.

Savvy targeting remains the key to finding new customers, and with modern marketing tools such as Facebook Ads we’re able to get more and more specific with who we target.