Webinars are an effective tool to share your marketing expertise, stimulate meaningful discussion, and improve the awareness and credibility of your brand. In order to generate revenue from your webinars, you’ll want to be smart with your planning and marketing approach. Here’s a checklist of tips to consider when marketing your webinar, from name creation to email list refining:

Webinar Creation and Message Copy Strategies

  • Name
    • Google search your keywords to determine best phrases and use of plurals
    • Check your website analytics for titles of your most visited pages
    • Use keywords from your best-performing email subject lines
    • Peek at your competitors’ website keywords for words you may have overlooked
  • Timing
    • Best time is typically 2-4 pm ET, Tuesday-Thursday
  • Length
    • Sweet spot is 30 minutes plus Q+A
  • Email Message
    • Keep it simple to only include:
      • Webinar title
      • Time and date of webinar
      • Brief description of webinar and presenters
      • Small photos of presenters
      • Registration links

Webinar Marketing Tactics

  • Email list
    • Focus on the people who have engaged with you recently
    • Select lists by subject area and/or job function
    • Consider excluding those with gmail and other free email domains from your promotional email list
      • These domains typically respond at 40-50% less open rates
  • Email blasts
    • Do at least 2-3 blasts to your best email lists
    • Make sure to exclude those who previously registered from your repeat blasts
      • Repeat emailings to same names typically generate 60% of the response as the preceding campaign
  • Online ads
    • Spend a few hundred advertising dollars to reach targeted groups on Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Promote your webinar title on Google AdWords and other remarketing sites
  • List swaps
    • Check with your collaborators, vendors and peers at non-competitive companies who market to the same customers as you
    • Do a list swap where they send your message to their list, and you reciprocate with their message transmitted to your list
  • Stimulate multiple registrations from same company
    • When you send the registration confirmation note, make sure to include a link to “Invite your friends and colleagues to join you at the webinar”
      • You can do the same thing post-webinar when sharing slides and the archived webinar

Whether it’s tweaking the webinar name or refining your email list, the fine details above can make a big difference in executing a successful webinar, leading to more revenue down the line. To learn much more about improving the marketing of your webinars, check the resources available from two leading webinar software providers: ON24 and WorkCast.