Imagine if you had wild business growth that quadrupled your sales…what changes would need to be made to your work processes and staffing?

Here are some of the strategic planning ideas Hippo Direct is implementing so we can serve many more clients…

Getting business growth from your computers:

  • Get new software and apps so staff can collaborate and work together with clients in real-time
  • Keep online history of all communications with clients, so that all staff can assist with full knowledge of client needs
  • Set up auto-responders on email/chat for use during your non-business hours to quickly confirm receipt of late night and international inquiries
  • Create and use checklists, templates, and email signatures for everything you do on a repeat basis. The best guide for why and how to do this is from E-Myth Worldwide – it’s called “Developing Systems: Get Organized, Get Systemized

Getting business growth from your people:

  • Look for the things which only one person in company does, then liberate those tasks from him or her
  • Stagger work shifts to have someone available for client calls at least 12 hours per day
  • Add staff and train them to perform multiple jobs from day one. Like your favorite baseball team, you need some “utility infielders”
  • Have your top sales and business development staff work with clients who have biggest potential, and let your newer staff members handle the small volume clients
  • Focus your best creativity on the areas of your business which most frustrate staff and clients, as that’s where you can unlock lots of staff time and energy, and create more value for your clients

Getting business growth from your money:

  • Consider outsourcing the functions which don’t generate revenue, such as accounting and human resources
  • Encourage online payments at time of order, and from your invoices, with credit cards and other newer forms of payment
  • Arrange volume discounts with your key vendors so your profit margins increase as your sales grow
  • Tweak your compensation plan so everyone has the opportunity to make more money as they do more work

Implement these strategic planning ideas to achieve the kind of wild business growth which quadruples your sales.