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National Hippo Day

Wild Business Growth Podcast #34: Ryan Foland – Creative TED Talks, Inventor of the 3-1-3 Method

Episode #34 of the Wild Business Growth Podcast features Ryan Foland - Creative TED Talks, Inventor of the 3-1-3 Method. Hear his journey from being bullied as a child to inspiring others through creative speeches, how he invented the 3-1-3 Method and an impromptu exercise, how improving communication can improve your life, and why something as simple as drawing stick figures can increase your creativity. All references can be found in these show notes.

Happy National Hippo Day!!! Celebrate with Hippo Trivia!

Happy National Hippo Day! Celebrate with Hippo Trivia - send your trivia answers to max@hippodirect.com for a chance at a Hippo Direct Swag Pack. Check out our other Hippo Direct content in the name of growing your business or brand.