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Science & Technology Lists

Wild Business Growth Podcast #49: Steve Woodruff – King of Clarity, Author of Clarity Wins

Episode #49 of the Wild Business Growth Podcast features Steve Woodruff - King of Clarity, Author of Clarity Wins. Hear how to unlock your company's DNA and produce crystal-clear messaging to generate sales and referrals, how to get remembered when telling people what you do, why memory darts are better than elevator pitches, why everybody needs a villain, and even tips from brain science and astronomy. All references and pictures can be found in these show notes.

Wild Business Growth Podcast #35: Kate O’Neill – Tech Humanist, Netflix to the UN

Episode #35 of the Wild Business Growth Podcast features Kate O'Neill - Tech Humanist, Netflix to the UN. Hear her journey from being one of the first 100 employees of Netflix to writing Tech Humanist and speaking at the UN, how to align your company to make lives better, whether privacy even exists anymore, and why completely unplugging isn’t necessary. All references and pictures can be found in these show notes.