Churches in America
Total List: 248,560
Base Price: $60/M
The cleanest and most accurate Church list with 100% deliverability guaranteed.
List built from buyers from over 150 vendors. Not a directory compiled list.
Every address validated by our research team with continual updating monthly.
Over 200,000 Verified Pastor contacts; over 214,000 Verified Phone numbers.
Churches by Attendance: Churches by Multi-buyer Response:
Size A: 1 to 49………………………… 23,175 Group 1: Best Responders……………… 43,419
Size B: 50 to 99………………………. 85,657 Group 2: Better Responders……………. 40,161
Size C: 100 to 199…………………… 48,535 Group 3: Good Responders…………….. 44,072
Size D: 200 to 499…………………… 32,860 Group 4: Less Responders……………… 40,382
Size E: 500 to 999…………………… 8,924 Group 5: Least Responders…………….. 43,527
Size F: 1000+………………………….. 5,663 Group 6: Minimal Responders………… 41,777
Churches by Special Interests: Churches by Denomination Groups:
TC001C Charismatic……………….. 35,700 Adventist……………………………………… 3,945
TC001E Independent……………….. 81,600 Baptist…………………………………………. 71,380
TC002 Music/Worship…………….. 188,600 Catholic……………………………………….. 15,257
TC003 Growth Oriented………….. 94,500 Charismatic………………………………….. 4,549
TC004 Youth Ministry……………… 151,300 Christian………………………………………. 22,382
TC006A Black Churches………….. 22,100 Episcopal……………………………………… 5,990
TC006B Hispanic Churches……… 19,400 Evangelical………………………………….. 11,180
TC016 Daycare/Preschool……….. 21,300 Fundamental………………………………… 5,011
TC017 Schools………………………… 19,700 Holiness.……………………………………… 8,053
TC027 Single Adult Ministry…….. 10,600 Lutheran………………………………………. 15,478
TC028 Senior Adult Ministry…….. 10,000 Mennonite…………………………………… 1,220
TC033 Children’s Ministry……….. 66,200 Methodist……………………………………. 27,742
TC035 Women’s Ministry………… 9,500 Orthodox.…………………………………….. 1,205
TC041 Adult Ministry………………. 93,300 Pentecostal………………………………….. 29,951
Presbyterian…………………………………. 12,537
Reformed…………………………………….. 4,371
Also consider these lists:
TF001 Church Leaders/Attendees 1,276,300
TI002 Church Schools 21,300
Selection Charges: Output Charges:
Verified Pastor Contact……………… $20/M Keycodes/Title Lines……………………. $2/M
Special Interest Segments…………. $20/M Additional Demographics……………… $25/ea.
Size/Attendance……………………….. $20/M Email Delivery of Postal List…………. $50/ea.
Multi-buyer Response…………………$20/M FTP/Download link……………………… $75/ea.
Has a Website……………………………. $20/M
Denomination…………………………… $5/M
Zip/County/County Type/MSA $5/M
Call for volume discounts! 5,000 Name Minimum Order
M = per thousand