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Web of Science Author Connect (Scientific Direct)

Web of Science Author Connect, a customized list service from Thomson Reuters, offers names and postal addresses of leading researchers from around the world who are publishing in the top peer-reviewed journals in their fields.

Web of Science Author Connect (Scientific Direct)2018-05-29T21:52:57+00:00

R&D Magazine

R&D Magazine is a leading publication covering technologies and strategies that enable exploration and expansion. R&D Magazine also sponsors the R&D 100 Awards which identify and celebrate the top technology products of the year.

R&D Magazine2018-05-29T21:54:12+00:00

American Association For The Advancement Of Science AAAS

AAAS is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific and technological excellence across all scientific disciplines. The association publishes the most important research findings and news of the scientific community, and works to promote public understanding of science.

American Association For The Advancement Of Science AAAS2018-05-29T21:55:22+00:00