We need the following from you at time of your postal mailing list order:
- List selection details, including keycodes (if needed).
- Your purchase order number and/or your job code number (if applicable).
- Your “Need By Date” and Estimated Mail Date.
- Email address where list should be sent. List will be ASCII comma-delimited or Excel file which easily imports into any software program.
- Copy/draft of the actual mail piece which you’ll be sending. We must submit this sample mail piece to list owner with order for approval.
- Most list owners require prepayment from all first-time users of their list. We’ve become expert at minimizing delays from this prepayment requirement. Here’s how: We order your list ASAP; then while list owner is approving usage and processing list for you we send invoice to you; your list order is then sent to you once payment is received by Hippo Direct via check or credit card.