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Healthcare Professionals by Specialty Group

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents members in 200 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs.

Healthcare Professionals by Specialty Group2024-02-26T22:38:33+00:00

Hospitals & Health Networks Magazine AHA

Hospitals & Health Networks is the flagship magazine of the American Hospital Association (AHA) and is the leading publication for hospital executives. H&HN delivers staff-written strategic reporting and analysis on the trends and issues that interest senior management and emerging leaders.

Hospitals & Health Networks Magazine AHA2018-05-29T21:42:52+00:00

American Medical Association AMA Physicians

This popular list is the American Medical Association's masterfile of all physicians - both members and non-members - in the United States and its possessions. The AMA maintains the list through surveys, publication mailings and contracts with medical schools, hospitals, specialty boards, state licenses, and medical societies.

American Medical Association AMA Physicians2022-07-18T18:52:47+00:00